Tuesday 23 August 2011

The story of stuff project with Annie Leonard

The story of stuff project with Annie Leonard:

“System of crisis; crashing the system; crashing each other and we are not having fun”

The story of electronics

Surprisingly to know that old products are “designed for the dump” and creating 25 million bump of e-waste each year. The poor thought design material, manufacturing and disposal creates loads of problems such as

Tonic into worker’s health from PVC, solvents, toxic flame retardants leading onto 40% of miscarriages and higher rate of blood, brain and kidney cancer.

Dumping waste into other countries and polluting rivers and villages and creating more green house gas burn what cannot be recycled.

It’s wiser to choose greenest products that designers are well thought of the whole product process, or most parts of the electronic is recycle. So it is important as designers to clearly think about the manufacturing and disposal process because it affects a big amount of people and environment. Therefore design something that is green and that it will last.

The story of bottled water

Manufactured demands are what drive people to buy water, where they make people feel insecure and lack of personal standards.

Firstly companies will “Scare Us” of the danger within tap water and sell how purify bottle water is.

“Seduce Us” with pretty printed packaging but the amount of oil and resources use within the process only delicate us with two minute of need.

After the amount of energy spent to make a bottle and seal water inside, it would be then disposed. Since plastic is not an eco-friendly material, they are usually land filed or burn to create more CO2. Even worst shown in the video was the companies wouldn’t recycle the bottle but dump it into India and polluted the environment there. Which this is “Misleading Us”

Real solution mentioned:

*Invest in public water infrastructure

*Prevent pollution

*Drinking fountains

*Water bottle boycott

There are billions of people without water access and water is an actual need. No point wasting money on something that is accessible, drinkable near you. Better off if you help people for example in Africa with no clean water access and need bottle water for living.

The story of cosmetics

“Women use 20 cosmetic products daily and Men use 6 cosmetic products daily”

It surprise that how many toxic are within our daily products and there are nothing government legislation can do to ban certain chemicals. Leading onto the fact that products are produced by “designers” at the start of the production chain, therefore it is important for designers to think twice or triple of the harms it could do to people when used and not only about the money.

Products are design to benefit people but not to damage our bodies. It’s an issue that our bodies contain lead, triclosan, flame retardants and mercury and where some babies are pre-polluted with the tonic.

The example of Herbal Essential that “Natural”, “Herbal” and organic has no legal definitions which means companies are lying or misleading their consumers. Relating it back to designer it should be clean that we do not mislead consumers for unethical acts. For the tiny amount of money people make now can lead onto damages onto our next generation. Where now is a wakeup call for manufactures and businesses to non-tonic their products to make our lives more safe and healthy.

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