Sunday, 25 March 2012
Peer comments
http://sunning3342435.blogspot.com.a u/2
Rowena goodll
Dong Kim
“Moon flower Jewellery box” is bioinspired by the moon flower (Ipomoea alba), where the flower will bloom and express a beautiful fragrance at the night time.
The entire jewellery box consist of six pedal slots where they are all injection moulded ABS with a hexagon base and a press pull open mechanism. The choice of ABS Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene provides a really shiny glossy surface, tough and heat resistance where ABS can also be recyclable.
The key of this design to be biomimetics by the opening and closing mechanism is the imitation of the blooming motion of the moon flower, where the idea is that the user can controls the opening and closing of the box. The mechanism works by pulling the knob upwards the petals will open and when pressed down the petals will close. The unique mechanism would also cause the user pleasure and maybe conversations between their friends.
Each slot has rings, earrings, watches, bangles and necklaces slots covered by a dark elegant green fabric material. The use of the fabric material avoids the precise jewelleries to have any risk of scratches and the choice of green is to emphasis the biomorphic of nature and plants.
A sphere appearance of the box when it’s closed, is because circle “is the strongest structural shape, and in nature, the sphere is the strongest 3-d shape.” Where planets and fruit such as water melon objects emphasis sphere is like a shape that symbolisms “protection” like helmets. Since a jewellery box’s purpose is to provide security to expensive and precise jewellery the sphere shape express the design perfectly.
Exterior of the sphere is white with a black elegant flower knob; the colours black and white are simple, clean and mystery vibe to target a professional female market.
The jewellery box would be placed in front of a mirror on the make up table, where the user can look for the right jewellery correctly when they want it. Reasons why the jewellery box is a more preferable choice than traditional jewellery boxes is because it can allows more jewellery storage, and when jewellery is more organised the use of space and user behaviour would be more efficient.
As a design I want the box to be like a mini piece of furniture even small/ medium apartment users can easily move around and have changes in the homes. Also it can be like a piece of artwork to be an interesting product to add pleasure to the eye.
Concept Drawings
Monday, 12 March 2012
The 11th Hour (2007)
The 11th Hour (2007)
People’s illusion that we are suffering from nature, but we are part of nature; and we are nature.
People may not realise that everything we do to improve civilization are causing danger to our ecosystem, and host “our planet”. Reports and solutions to “global warming”, “Greenhouse gas” and moving to other places are not just scientist trying to catch attention but series of abnormal nature behaviour. Such as tsunami, earthquakes, floods, drought, extreme temperatures etc can be all linked into messages nature are sending us.
Scientists want us to realise the way that we are treating our resources today, will one day run out. The consequence of these valuable resources at risk will cause risk to future civilization for human. The way that human’s superior attitude of living is killing themselves faster, than any other species on this planet.
People may not realise sickness such as asthma and allergies might be just the beginning of the affect of damaging the air and food qualities. Our next generation of children around 30%-60% in each classroom do have asthma, which it won’t be surprising if numbers are still increasing. Also the significant increasing number of different types of cancers, originating from the changing in our daily food and artificial chemicals unknowingly invades our lives.
In reality small amount of people in the world that has more power than the rest of the populations, to make economic decides, for their own financial benefits.
Such as Rich petrol companies are controlling our petrol prices
Where it’s time that nature has rights too, to have a say of how we are treating it. The way that how we are treating the planet are not going to give us sustainable growth, which defects the idea of economic growth and quality of live and contradicts an economist idea of “economic growth”. Technologies can never replace everything that nature can do, and can never do it the same.
The way to fix the wrong is “education” but at the moment our next generations are ignorant of what choices are made. As a designer we are the start of the consumer chain, and it’s really important we are educated correctly of how we treat our resources to sustain the beauty of our world. Where I believe every design and productions would need to be considered deeply of the harm we are doing to our motherland, because it is damaged enough. To out run politician and rich companies selfish decisions and as designers little changes we make, over time would make a difference to our planet and avoid extinction.