Bill Moggride – What is Design
“Everything is design” - Everything is used is alter by man
Beginning the start of the lecture Bill started off introducing good designs that was from the “National design award” held at Washington D.C
- · Jane Thompson – Life time award
- · U.S Green building council
- · Kieran Timberlake - Architecture
- · Stephen Doyle – graphic design
- · Rodarte – fashion
- · Lisa Strausfeld – Interaction design – One laptop per children
- · William Sofield – Interior design
- · James Corner – Redesign a boring subway to a park
- · Smart design – Redesign everyday objects – design for disability but good for everybody
Bill then reference to the First lady’s speech
She wanted exposing young people to new possibilities and pursues their dreams with no physical barrier. Young people with no access to resources such as museums, where she wanted to open these doors. Also as she mentioned that she is trying to close this gap for young people
Design Disciplines
- · Frank Wright
- · Frank Gehry 1997 –Designed the Vitra Furtiture museum
- · Charles and Ray Eames ‘Lounge chair and Octoman 1956’ – American design
Where they also like to invent on new materials such as New fibre glass which it was a new material to use back in their times.
Light design by Swiss
· Richard Sapper – Tizio
· Yves Behar – leaf – LED lights
Industrial design
· Ettore scottsass – Otivetti Valentine 1969 ; glassware design – modern splashy way
Human and subjective --------------------------------Technical and objective
System design / digital design
Intel future
Within the video a Chinese business man was using gadgets to lead him to a business meeting in a foreign country.
He first had car assist design to directly lead him to his car with a gadget like a Palm.
There was voice interaction and the gadget can transform into a GPS for navigation.
Where he can direct the GPS/ Car to lead him the way or options he had to the destination.
He can then make phone calls and he was also inuse of a Bluetooth headset.
Continuing with the voice interaction system he can then choose the type of music he wanted and continue with navigation.
As Bill mentioned that every piece of this video of the gadgets, headset till the interior of the car are design opportunities. I personally love the sample idea by Intel and it’s very close to reality that this idea will be true and be loved by drivers and travellers.
What is bad design?
Bill first shown a Remote control that was wrapped in cardboard and only showing the functional buttons and the host had to label it correctly in English.
Practical solution – Teddy bear on phone? The reason why people had huge teddy bear on the end of their phones was not because it was cute, but since Jap girl smudge their make up on their phones where the bear is to clean the smudge. Personally point of view it’s surprising to know that the use of the teddy was only for cleaning and I do feel sorry for the teddy bear for the usage it wasn’t design for.
The I-mode service was very popular in jap as a communication platform for users where it had once 33million subscribers and comparing to Japan’s population it was quite high. Another video example was the – i-mode service. Bill had a video of the process of the test on buying a drink with the i-mode service.
· Attempt to buy the drink
· Find address of vending machine
· No service
· Email bar code
· Junk filter
· Call customer service which is already 17mins
· Complete a Online form
· Pay
· Altogether took 35mins to buy a drink
The designer didn’t understand the design process and didn’t test it on people and it was a cold winter morning and wasted 35mins of somebody’s morning. It was a good idea but personally I think the designer didn’t take in count of the time, weather and the steps which was in the processes. Most users will give up on the machine and buy it somewhere else.
Bill bought on the idea of difficulty on connection problem that the designer who designed the product will have disconnection of the person who design the program, which creating all these bad designs.
Design process
The key factors in the design process understand people and prototyping
Understanding people –
(People)+ (business)+ (technology) = innovation
According to Bill when people, business and technology concern overlays it creates innovations.
Design for different people
Where we need to consider on if it is for older or younger people, their background etc
- · Need and desire
- · Learning
- · What people do than what they say they do
- · Ask
- · Try – experiment
The point of investigating more into others and more hands on to learn about how people use objects and since they are the users we ask/ test them to get efficient feedbacks. - · Prototyping
- · Lab > electronic
- · Screen design – flash
3 stages of prototyping
- · Inspire
- · Evolve
- · Validate
Gyus Surgery tool was first prototyped and after talking to surgeons the product from an inspiration turned out to evolve to a efficient comfortable professional operation tool.
Bill emphasises about making videos of an experience to allow the product outcome to become more effective and noticing room for improvement.
Laundry moments was an user video of the idea of when coffee stain removers the designers used a scenario, sketches, cardboard models to convey a workable design concept.
Intel UMPC was another user video of a different view of partying and technology for young people. The communication between the users in the video is serious design opportunities. The idea of every individual will have their earphones and party individually in a space together without disturbing others in the area. I think the ideas of personalisation within parties are something I would never have thinks of, and I think it’s unique.
Expanding contexts
Personal > Social > Environmental
· Western digital – My passport
*Social innovation
· Adaptive eye-care – are self prescript glasses which allow poor people without access to eye treatment to retain their eyesight with these glasses. And they only operate $19/ pair where the degree of the glass can be change by the liquid inserted into the lens.
*Places we live
· Mapungubwe national park interpretive center
· And How to obtain water
Design for sustainable products
- · Greensulate – made from mushrooms – insulation of heat and fire
- · Shinichi Takemura – media producer – Tangible Earth demonstration
– Takemura wanted to use media to communicate with people after years of human interaction studies. The interactive globe interface moves in any direction
- · Displays
- · Daylight
- · Population
- · Air layout – Formation of typhoons
- · Ocean currents
- · Height of countries
- · Sea surface temperatures
- · Air pollutants
· Tsunami and magnifying function to see images of what happened of the incident from the past damages
From the 54 min lecture Bill covered the basis of design and example for the ideas to get through. I enjoyed the video examples and I think the designs for the future are awesome and becoming a professional designer there are most than just your part to consider about or else it will be like a fail design like I-mode vending machine.